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New versions will be released on Freshmeat [8] and my website [9].


- fixed a bug in the ftp crawler, now files with spaces aren't ignored
  (thanx Dennis)


- new options: disable_ftp and disable_smb
- install.sh now explicitly installs the DBI module from CPAN
- improvements, small fixes in Helper.pm and ConfigReader.pm
- lowered FTP connect timeout and better error handling


- new option: search hidden default shares (NT) (yes/no, default is no)
              see femfind.conf  
- empty hosts will be removed from the database
- improved logging (timestamp, commandline)


- FTP host list is now sorted
- restructured modules (now in 'FemFind::' hierarchy), converted them to real
  modules (Makefile.PL etc.)
- new module 'Helper' added, which contains some common subs
- femfind.conf moved to /etc
- changed some femfind.conf options, please DO NOT use your old file!
- added install.sh script that does most of the work
- added database setup script (makedb.pl)
- 'crawler' mysql password no longer stored in femfind.conf
- configurable user/password for connecting to shares (femfind.conf)
  (you can now setup your intranet with security=domain and generate an
   account for femfind that can read access all hosts)
- auto detection of MySQL stats (no more editing offsets in frontpage.pl)
- FTP servers can be added with WINS name, DNS name or IP
- get_ip resolves WINS, DNS, IP correctly (not just using nmblookup which caused
  problems with some WINS hosts)
- more robust: bizarre workgroup-, host- and sharenames containing
  "$", "'",  "`", "|" or spaces (!) should work fine (but never say never :)


- new command line syntax, please adjust your crontabs and minds
- brand new HTML pages, thanx to Fire
- new options: show directories only, user defined hits p/page in advanced mode
- display of a redirection page if MySQL server is currently down
  (new parameter in femfind.conf - backup_url)
- two bugs fixed in search3.pl


- initial public release


- initial public release